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April 1 - April 30, 2020
Norah Bolton's avatar

Norah Bolton

SMM Toronto

"At SMM we're focused on learning and sharing information about climate change. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 535 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen

Norah's actions

Action Track: Building Resilience

Spend Time Outside

I will replace 25 minute(s) each day typically spent inside (computer time, watching television, etc.) with quality time outside that follows CDC guidelines for preventing disease spread.


Action Track: Building Resilience

Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty

I will watch 1 documentary(ies) about food sovereignty: the right of local peoples to control their own food systems including markets, ecological resources, food cultures and production methods.


Action Track: Building Resilience

Get Involved in the Water Justice Movement

I will spend at least 10 minutes a day using the resources provided to learn about water justice and find out how I can get involved in local initiatives.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 5/01/2020 8:27 AM
    We ended in Canadian sixth place behind Celestica.  Our 7 participants were about 200 points behind their 19!  Well done.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 5/01/2020 8:24 AM
    There is always more to learn.  While doing this I have to some extent neglected my blog on environmental issues.  Thus now it is time to get back to the long string of new things to read and post.  The Ecochallenge is an excellent learning tool - and I'l promote it for another event.  Thanks to all partiicpants.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/30/2020 6:44 AM
    Thanks to everyone on this team on its last day.  We were a small but mighty force.  I hope that the parish of SMM will consider this in the future as one of the ways to build awareness of the environment and our role as Co-Creators of its care.  Well done.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/29/2020 6:57 AM
    Adding a walk to my grocery shopping by deliberately taking a long route both ways is good for both body and soul!
    Action Track: Building Resilience Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
    How does food sovereignty address the complex agrarian transition to modern food systems?

    Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/26/2020 9:10 AM
    I'm reading A History of More by Hope Lauren.  She notes that if those of us in the west ate 50% less meat, the remaining amount would feed the hungry as well as helping the environment.  It's an excellent read outlining the progress of how doing more since she was born in 1969 had affected every aspect of our lives.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/23/2020 8:05 AM
    Walking yesterday was cold but it does make one feel better in our current situation.  Many earth day activities were added inthe morning's emails.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/19/2020 9:32 AM
    Weather hasn't been the best for walking this week - and missed at least one day - felt good about helping provide food for our community dinner program - but missed seeing the guests, who enjoy meeting together and can't sit at the same tables right now.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/15/2020 2:19 PM
    Cold walking today - but dressed for it!

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/13/2020 1:44 PM
    Real windy today so walk was curtailed.  Spent a few minutes reading a water justice article - and wondered whether the WaterDocs Festival in Toronto has gone online - since it would be happening just about now.

  • Norah Bolton's avatar
    Norah Bolton 4/12/2020 1:26 PM
    We are the third highest scoring team in Canada today - not bad for six of us - the winning team is about 600 points ahead - but it has 19 members.  Let's get after some people to boost our score.