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April 1 - April 30, 2020
Hayley Bricker's avatar

Hayley Bricker

EA / SCCA Rowan


  • 0 TODAY
  • 8 TOTAL

Hayley's actions

Action Track: Earth Day Together!

Virtual Earth Day lecture with Denise Coogan, Subaru USA

Ms. Coogan will give a talk titled "Earth Day 50: Zero Landfill in Auto Manufacturing and National Parks” which describes Subaru’s efforts to become the first “zero landfill” automotive assembly facility in the world, a goal achieved over ten years ago. Per Ms. Coogan, that talk offers “an examination of developing a zero landfill program; how reduce, reuse, and recycle can be environmentally and financially successful.” She will also explain “the principles needed for a waste reduction program to work in manufacturing and how those principles were transferred to the national park service.”


Participant Feed

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