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April 1 - April 30, 2020
Jerrie Dayton's avatar

Jerrie Dayton

LiveGreen/UNMC/Nebraska Medicine


  • 0 TODAY
  • 509 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors

Jerrie's actions


Reduce Animal Products

I will enjoy 1 meatless meal(s) and/or 1 vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.



Connect While Social Distancing

I will connect with at least 2 person/people a day through phone call or video chat to support mine and other’s mental and emotional health during this challenging time.



Explore My Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area while following CDC guidelines for social distancing.



Research a Wild Animal

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning about a wild animal I find interesting, including their life cycle, habitat, ecosystem functions, and interactions with humans (if any!).



Leave No Trace

I will respect and protect biotic communities by practicing the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/30/2020 1:36 PM
    Lets keep moving forward to reduce the use of fossil fuels and find renewable energy and sustainable food sourcees.

  • Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/30/2020 12:39 PM
    We are living in stressful times.  However, there are some positives that have occurred.  Let's work hard to keep the good changes in air quality, noise reduction, and stress reduction going.  The animals in our national parks are loving it that we are letting them be who they are.   Let's encourage a slowdown in life for the betterment of all creatures.

  • Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/30/2020 12:37 PM
    This challenge has reinforced my awareness of our changing and stressed climate and environments.  I resolve to do more to save the earth.  I already get push back from some in my world but I will continue to ignore them and push more.  Especially to keep plastic out of the landfill.
    Wildlife Research a Wild Animal
    What interesting facts did you learn about the animal you researched? What are some of your favorite things about this animal?

    Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/29/2020 11:49 AM
    I was researching Red Foxes in urban environments.  We've had one living in our backyard in a ravine, overgrown area for a couple of years.  Now we have new neighbors and they have cleaned up all the overgrowth.  I haven't seen the fox since they started that.  I was wondering why the fox had picked that spot originally and if it might still stay around.  I kind of think that the fox moved on because of the disturbance to the area around the den openings.  The cover has been eliminated now and I've noticed an overabundance of rabbits again.  We didn't have any when the fox was living here.  It makes me sad that the new neighbors wanted a typical suburban back yard and chose to sacrifice the wildlife.  We also had a ground hog and lots of turkeys.  Now only the turkeys come around and not as often as they used to.

    • Melanie Stewart's avatar
      Melanie Stewart 4/30/2020 6:31 AM
      I'm sorry they lost their cover--foxes are so entertaining to watch!  Interesting that you almost instantly noticed the change in the predators, increase in rabbits.

  • Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/10/2020 8:04 AM
    I hope we learn from this pandemic and make improvements to our society as we come out of the quarantines.  A key thing I've notices is the lack of noise and also a huge reduction in air pollution just because of less driving.  I hope that more people will be allowed to work from home on a regular basis to continue to reduce the air pollution.  It's a benefit that has quickly become apparent during this social distancing.

    • Jerrie Dayton's avatar
      Jerrie Dayton 4/10/2020 1:04 PM
      We need to use this situation as an opportunity to define a new normal.  We need to be better prepared and not leave so many people without resources to take care of themselves.  The government is supposed to look out for the well being of ALL the citizens, not just a few.  Citizens of the country need  to take their responsibilities more seriously.  People need to care about each other and the future, not just themselves.   A citizen should vote, pay their fair share of taxes and support companies that pay their fair share.  We all need to support the infrastructures of the country - public health, public education, roads and bridges, affordable housing, fair wages, access to affordable health care, etc.   If people could find it in their actions to support the greater good, not just their own selfish protectionist motives,  we could all be happier and healthier.   

    • Melanie Stewart's avatar
      Melanie Stewart 4/10/2020 12:52 PM
      I hope so too!  I wish I could find the exact quote I heard, something like "as we rush back to return to normal we need to consider what 'normal' is"...
    People Connect While Social Distancing
    How does connecting with others help your own mental and emotional health? How can it help support others?

    Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/10/2020 7:59 AM
    Connecting via phone with my Dad who is confined to his room in an assisted living facility lets him know that the world is still out there and that I am thinking about him.  It makes me feel better to uplift him and brighten his day.   Phone calls to friend and my son also help me feel less isolated.

    • Melanie Stewart's avatar
      Melanie Stewart 4/10/2020 12:54 PM
      I'm glad you can reach out to them!  My grandmother's assisted living place has been able to set up some video calls so she can see us which seems to have helped her a lot.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/10/2020 7:53 AM
    Richer countries have grocery stores and meat and all other types of food are generally more readily available.  If we all had to somehow kill and provide our own meat supply, there would be less meat consumed.  People would value their food more due to increased understanding of how much effort and resources go into growing and preparing our foods.
    Forests Explore My Area
    How can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place?

    Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/01/2020 12:09 PM
    Being outdoors in the fresh air, even when it is raining or snowing, makes you feel grounded and a part of the world.  It is vitally important.  If you are indoors every day, all day, you become disconnected from any reality outside your walls.
    Wildlife Leave No Trace
    Educator Stephanie Kaza advises her students to focus on what they care about most when addressing the enormity of ecological problems. Is there a specific area you feel particularly called to work on?

    Jerrie Dayton's avatar
    Jerrie Dayton 4/01/2020 12:07 PM
    Forests and streams are critical to every living thing