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April 1 - April 30, 2020
Matt King's avatar

Matt King



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Matt's actions

Action Track: Building Resilience

Connect While Social Distancing

I will connect with at least 5 person/people a day through phone call or video chat to support mine and other’s mental and emotional health during this challenging time.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 5/01/2020 5:14 AM
    That I need to do a lot more to help take care of the earth we all live on.

  • Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 4/24/2020 11:20 AM
    Video conference today with AO/DO folks available, spoke with Terry H., Pablo M., Ray B., Reggie R.

  • Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 4/23/2020 8:52 AM
    1. Asked Ray Brown to take pictures of past earth day projects and send to me. Sent Pictures onto Janell to distribute to all.
    2. Picked up litter on neutral ground across from my house.
    3. Pruned suckers of my Tomato Plants and re staked them as needed.
    4. Took out and recycled all recyclables from the house for pick up by Parish recycling contractor.
    5. Watched Earth Day youtube videos sent by Shelia Parker for EMS.

  • Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 4/15/2020 5:27 AM
    Speaking with fellow workers today regarding facility and building energy efficiency and energy management. Putting out recyclables for city pickup and watering vegetable garden. Checking and changing 3 light fixtures in kitchen ceiling to LED light fixtures.

  • Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 4/15/2020 5:24 AM
    Speaking to fellow workers today related to facility and building efficiency and energy management.
    At Home, putting out recyclables for pick up and watering vegetable garden.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Connect While Social Distancing
    How does connecting with others help your own mental and emotional health? How can it help support others?

    Matt King's avatar
    Matt King 4/10/2020 8:18 AM
    Great socialization to connect and  support one another through the current Coronavirus social distancing time.