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April 1 - April 30, 2020

EvCC Sustainability Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Wildlife Research a Wild Animal
    What interesting facts did you learn about the animal you researched? What are some of your favorite things about this animal?

    Ben Austin's avatar
    Ben Austin 4/30/2020 11:59 PM
    Coatimundi's are relatives of racoons that live in Centeral America, South America, Mexico, and the southwestern United States. You'll often see them in groups and they have really large tails There name comes from the tupian people. I think they look kind of funny with their smushed long racoon like faces and big tails.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Ben Austin's avatar
    Ben Austin 4/30/2020 11:55 PM
    I think we miss out on a lot if we don't go outside. The world is beautiful and there is so much to explore. I love going camping, hiking, kayaking, etc because I get to see interesting places, plants, animals, etc.
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Ben Austin's avatar
    Ben Austin 4/30/2020 11:53 PM
    Best buy, use by, and sell by are not required dates that the government enforces. Most food labeling is voluntary and companies do it mostly to highlight when the product will taste the best not when its really bad for you to eat it. This leads to a lot of food being wasted. Its better to use your own judgement about when to throw out food like if it has mold growth on it, checking the temperature, see if ingridents list lists things that prevent bacterial growth, etc. Work is being done in the industry to change food labels.
    Best buy: useally means when the company thinks the product will have the best flavor
    Sell by: manufacturers use this to ensure proper turnover and movement of a prodcut throughout its life heading to the store, through storage, on shelves, etc.
    Use by: marks the last recomended day for the product. 
    Wildlife Research Benefits of Biodiversity
    How can you encourage biodiversity by your own actions?

    Ben Austin's avatar
    Ben Austin 4/30/2020 11:40 PM
    Biodiversity is a gerneral term to describe all of the living species in evironments around Earth. There is enormous variety between different species and this variety is very important as ecosystems with more biodiversity tend to have great locations for plant growth and every species in a biodiverse ecosystem works together through food chains and sybiotic relationships to thrive. Biodiverse hotspots also have endemic species which only live in certain places and it's important to protect those kinds of animals espceially. Theres lots more species that can be discovered and its important to protect biodiversity. 
    Oceans Smart Seafood Choices
    Many states and countries have advisories on eating fish. Find out what is advised for your region. Do you think your diet choices fall within these guidelines? What steps do you need to take to make sure that they do?

    Ben Austin's avatar
    Ben Austin 4/30/2020 10:53 PM
    Smart Seafood Choice was a very useful website. I will use it whenever I want to get new seafood so I can find out what products are the most sustainable.
    People Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Michele Cooper's avatar
    Michele Cooper 4/30/2020 11:20 AM
    When I am inside I am focus minded and busy with tasks. When I am outdoors I tend to relax more and seem to enjoy myself more because there are more things to look at, and listen to. Of course, I get ideas of what needs to be done outside, which then focuses my attention back to my sewing projects and putting puzzles together.

  • Michele Cooper's avatar
    Michele Cooper 4/30/2020 11:09 AM
    Need to create more challenges/goals on what I want to learn to be able to landscape and care for my plants and trees that benefits the environment.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Support Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators?

    Michele Cooper's avatar
    Michele Cooper 4/30/2020 11:03 AM
    They are the source for the rest of the world living and continuing existence.
    Forests Explore My Area
    How can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place?

    Michele Cooper's avatar
    Michele Cooper 4/30/2020 11:01 AM
    Being one with nature, and getting some fresh air. We live on 5 acres, so I should enjoy it more as it might be relaxing just listening to the birds, and encourage me to work on the garden more.
    Oceans Smart Seafood Choices
    Many states and countries have advisories on eating fish. Find out what is advised for your region. Do you think your diet choices fall within these guidelines? What steps do you need to take to make sure that they do?

    Michele Cooper's avatar
    Michele Cooper 4/30/2020 11:00 AM
    I did not realize that there was a limit to eating 2 meals a day of large and smallmouth bass. I don't fish as much as I used to, but I will definitely share this with my son who still does!