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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Knolls Green Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Emily Hunt's avatar
    Emily Hunt 4/29/2020 8:05 AM
    We will use the compost soil for our future garden
    Wildlife Research a Wild Animal
    What interesting facts did you learn about the animal you researched? What are some of your favorite things about this animal?

    Colleen Maitland's avatar
    Colleen Maitland 4/28/2020 11:50 AM
    Remember to not tap on the box for bluebirds when checking the nesting box, just make noise on approach. These birds in general, how quickly they go from hatching from egg to leaving the nest in less than a month. crazy!!!

  • Mark Houston's avatar
    Mark Houston 4/22/2020 7:19 AM
    In my garage we have something we refer to as Mount Cardboardboxia.  On occasion we take them to be recycled, but most often they become weed bariers and other beneficial items through our garden.  I wish I had a shredder as it would make great compost browns.  
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Jonathan Chandler's avatar
    Jonathan Chandler 4/22/2020 6:37 AM
    I started a garden this year using bagged compost, but would love to expand next year with "home grown" compost.
    Action Track: Earth Day Together! Earth Day Action: Research and Support Local Organizations
    Why is it important to support local organizations and businesses? How does it help to build a more resilient community?

    Colleen Maitland's avatar
    Colleen Maitland 4/21/2020 2:08 PM
    In my little blue collar community we have quite a few wonderful small businesses that have popped up in the past few years that are making a difference for how all the neighbors have been coming together. I'm hoping that they get help thru the cv19 help that is being offered. These businesses have made so much thrive and brought in more great folks to live and work here. These businesses have made meeting places and brought people out to ride bikes (get more bike/walking lanes created), running clubs. Things that get ignored for the non-neighborhood association areas. But we've seen revitalization and people caring more. Love our little neighborhood and what it has grown to in the last 16 years.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Colleen Maitland's avatar
    Colleen Maitland 4/21/2020 1:18 PM
    Why do richer countries eat more meat: It must be media/advertising/industry push as economic/wealth conditions rise. The "education by media" that it is better for your health. There is also the status symbol of richer lifestyle with thinking of the ego trip and not everything else it touches.  I really don't know. 
    Effects on planet/people:  I've read that higher meat consumption is linked to higher carbon emissions and livestock production accounts for 15%  (2018 stat) of all anthropogenic emissions. Affects people/families due to increase of obesity / health issues.
    Oceans Smart Seafood Choices
    Many states and countries have advisories on eating fish. Find out what is advised for your region. Do you think your diet choices fall within these guidelines? What steps do you need to take to make sure that they do?

    Michelle Presley's avatar
    Michelle Presley 4/21/2020 10:52 AM
    I watched a documentary on the Chesapeake Bay and the contamination that once plagued the Crabbing industry.  Not being native to VA, this surprised me because the bay has been a healthy ecosystem since I've been here. 

  • Michelle Presley's avatar
    Michelle Presley 4/21/2020 10:43 AM
    I was surprised to realize that normal daily life for me already takes a lot of these actions into account.  I compost food scraps, recycle, and have plenty of experience in planting trees and shrubs.  We just planted some native species saplings, and I'm excited to watch them grow and mature.  

  • Jonathan Chandler's avatar
    Jonathan Chandler 4/20/2020 12:58 PM
    Our new company climate goals have come out this week in conjunction with Earth Week!
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Andrea Caldwell's avatar
    Andrea Caldwell 4/19/2020 3:07 PM
    Composting is a super easy way to reduce waste.  Mother Earth does most of the heavy lifting for you.  Bonus:  You get some really great soil that you can use to grow your own veggies with.