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April 1 - April 30, 2020

University of South Carolina Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:52 AM
    Being more aware and having specific goals is so helpful while at home all day and night.  I can add these tasks to my day and have a goal of completing them throughout. 
    People Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:51 AM
    I take about 10 breaks during WFH and go outside in our back yard to either walk around, do some yard work, or just look at our homemade bird feeder.  We also take walks almost every day. 
    Oceans Say No to Plastic Straws
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:49 AM
    With a bag of metal straws I am always able to class up my drink with a straw.  Smoothies with the straw are the best because the straw gets so cold!
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:48 AM
    Made a homemade compost bucket from an old garbage can last week and have really enjoyed the satisfaction of not just throwing away stuff we dont use.  our favorite question this last week has been "is this compostable?" and googling it. 
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:48 AM
    Made a homemade compost bucket from an old garbage can last week and have really enjoyed the satisfaction of not just throwing away stuff we dont use.  our favorite question this last week has been "is this compostable?" and googling it. 
    People Connect While Social Distancing
    How does connecting with others help your own mental and emotional health? How can it help support others?

    Michael Lagomarsine's avatar
    Michael Lagomarsine 4/29/2020 11:47 AM
    staying connect keeps hope alive that things will get better and that there is norm different than the one we are in now
    Forests Explore My Area
    How can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place?

    Claire Windsor's avatar
    Claire Windsor 4/16/2020 2:56 PM
    By spending so much time outside exploring new and everyday spaces, I attach parts of my identity and sense of belonging with my geographical and cultural sense of place. When I am outside, I am more keenly aware of myself and the spaces around me in a way that the natural and social environment become unified. Thus, I feel most unified and familiar with any given place when I have found that connection that becomes better instilled in my memories.
    People Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    McKenzee Chestnut's avatar
    McKenzee Chestnut 4/13/2020 12:21 PM
    Carson's quote definitely is true for me. I always feel a bit stressed and stir crazy if I can't get out into nature a few times a week. Just going outside and seeing the sun through the tree canopy, or listening to the animals and insects at night makes everything seems much more manageable. I believe that cultures that spend most of its time indoors find it harder to connect with nature. It's easy to learn a respect for other creatures when you can see them in their natural habitat.
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Claire Windsor's avatar
    Claire Windsor 4/13/2020 9:27 AM
    Because I now know more about the labeling codes of food products, I can reduce my own food waste by knowing that food products are still safe and also look out for food products in grocery stores that will soon be taken off the shelf. My knowledge empowers me as a consumer of food in my home and food in the grocery store. I can now help others by educating and spreading this knowledge. 
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Claire Windsor's avatar
    Claire Windsor 4/13/2020 9:24 AM
    My family has almost always composted as much as we can when we cannot use that organic material otherwise. It has always made me realize how much we would be throwing away if we did not compost because of the number of bits of produce we go through when cooking. We collect our compost in our kitchen and then dump it in a larger compost bin for it to break down. Our garden receives so many nutrients because of our compost that goes back into our soil to enrich the growth of our garden fruit and vegetables. In this way, we create a full cycle of the produce we consume and produce and keep any food waste out of the landfill.