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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Tysons Green Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/30/2020 2:17 PM
    Last day for the Earth Day Eco Challenge! Thanks for adding me to this challenge. Lots of great information!
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/30/2020 2:14 PM
    Climate Local Climate Issues
    In what ways is your local community resilient to shock events like we’ve experienced recently? How could you help it become more resilient?

    Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/27/2020 7:42 AM
    Using technology to over communicate and share/spread the knowledge. Best practice sharing, non-invasive policing, and as a result bringing the community together in tougher times like the one we are experiencing right now. 

    Not just during these times but even otherwise, maintaining a general sense of hygiene, respecting self and others along with the environment, following a sustainable lifestyle - should always be on the to-do list!

  • Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/24/2020 9:30 AM
    Last day of Earth Week! Thanks to each and everyone for planning interesting events and activities even in challenging times like this!
    Fresh Water Water-Friendly Beauty Products
    Beyond what does or doesn't come out of the tap at home, how do your choices affect freshwater locally and globally?

    Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/24/2020 9:26 AM
    Quick shower or a long bath? Should taking bath be a mindless in and out activity vs. spending a lot of time singing and scenario planning? ;)

    When California was facing drought couple years ago hoardings along the lines of - Shower doesn't have to be a 20 minute activity, you can feel fresh in 3 mins as well - were found everywhere.

    We as a race realize the importance of anything once it's no longer there, I guess.
    Forests Forest-Friendly Foods
    How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/23/2020 6:25 PM
    Was reading about the 4 foods that are responsible for deforestation - I think I can easily find substitutes for or live without Palm oil, coffee, cocoa. I am a vegetarian so meat is out of the equation. But surviving without dairy and eggs?!?! Interesting problem! What/how much is responsible consumption?
    Fresh Water Get Involved in the Water Justice Movement
    Who is affected by polluted water or a lack of access to water in your region? How are they affected?

    Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/22/2020 8:55 AM
    Growing up in India, I've seen areas where people struggled to get access to fresh water. I saw instances where people had to walk several kilometers with modified carry-on techniques to fit oversize containers either on their heads or on their shoulders. Growing up in a city, I didn't have to experience that same pain but a couple of times when the summers were crazy and the fresh water supply was not meeting the demands, I remember standing in line and fighting for that one container of water and using it preciously. Not a scene I'd want to be part of again nor would wish even on my worst of the enemies. However, looking at the way we are 'progressing' and/or 'evolving' would you be surprised if this problem is no longer contained to some remote corner of the world?

  • Pavan Abbaraju's avatar
    Pavan Abbaraju 4/22/2020 8:27 AM
    Happy Earth Day! Let's protect what we got before it's too late.

  • Megan Wilcox's avatar
    Megan Wilcox 4/21/2020 8:00 AM
    Excited for September's talk on Vermiculture; that is looking like my best option for apartment composting! 

  • Megan Wilcox's avatar
    Megan Wilcox 4/21/2020 7:58 AM
    I watched Wasted! last night and then spent hours researching how to compost in an apartment. :)