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April 1 - April 30, 2020
Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar

Ivy Hodgkinson

Mid Willamette Earth Challenge


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  • 295 TOTAL

Ivy's actions


Research Benefits of Biodiversity

I will spend at least 15 minutes researching how biodiversity positively impacts our world and how the loss of biodiversity harms it.


Fresh Water

Find Your Watershed

We all know our street address and the name of our county, but do you know your watershed? Get better acquainted with your local geography by going on a watershed fact-finding mission!



Watch an Environmental Documentary

Stream at least 1 environmental documentary while at home to learn about current environmental issues. Ideas Streaming on Netflix: Our Planet, Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, Minimalism, Mission Blue, Chasing Coral.



Watch Saving Little Pieces of Earth

Watch this 13 minute video to learn about the environmental impacts of recycling. After you've watched the video, pick an item not mentioned in the video & find out where you can recycle it using Marion Co.'s Recycle Guide, linked below.



DIY Mason Bee House

At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators. Support mason bees by building your own mason bee house! Follow this link to find out how.


Fresh Water

Pledge to Protect Streams & Rivers

​You can do a lot of small, practical things to make a big difference in protecting streams and rivers. Take this pledge from the City of Salem and start taking steps towards improving our water resources!



Support Pollinators

At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators. I will plant a pollinator garden in my backyard or community space to support local native pollinators.


Fresh Water

Walking Water Learning Activity

Water is essential for all life. Learn more about how it moves with this cool experiment. I will complete the Walking Water Activity with my children to teach them how water moves through porous surfaces (and to have fun while learning about science).


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/27/2020 12:29 PM
    For my project in my Enivormetnal Communications class, I wanted to teach my mom these dashboard challenges but I realized that these would be to easy for her. I have decided that I want to teach her about the daily products she uses every day and how they can affect the environment if these products are recyclable, and teach her what happens to other countries by the purchases we make For example we went grocery shopping yesterday and I was trying to find hazelnut spread that has ethically sourced palm oil. My mom did not know that trees are being torn down in the rain forest to farm palm oil trees. I want to change my goal to, making my mother a more environmentally conscious shopper, because right now she is not the most environmentally conscious shopper. 

  • Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/24/2020 11:54 AM
    I realized that I had some bamboo that is rotting so I decide that I am going to make a DIY bee house out of the bamboo shoots. To start this project I have to soak the shoots in water for two weeks so that the circular shape does not go away. I am waiting for the sun to come back so I can start the drying process of the bamboo. Hopefully, by the end of this process, I will be able to have a honey bee home to pollinate my lavender plants, I am very excited to put this together. 
    Climate Watch an Environmental Documentary
    Which documentary did you watch?

    Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/14/2020 6:08 PM
    The documentary I watched was Cowspiracy. I learned some really interesting things about the non-governmental environmental organization that we all love. This was frustrating to learn that most of these organizations do not consider the meat/dairy industry to be detrimental to the environment. We have evidence that the meat/dairy industry is killing this planet, but these organizations can not say that because they are afraid that they will stop getting donations. They believe this because, people won't like to hear that they have to change their lifestyle, by eating less meat and dairy. What is frustrating to me is that I don't know who to trust anymore, when it comes to getting the correct information.  

  • Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/11/2020 2:31 PM
    I finished the "Find your Watershed" challenge. This was a fun exercise to do because I found it interesting to learn where my water came from.  Yesterday, I watched the "Love Canal" movie and this made me think about the environment around me and the location of where my house is built. I think this challenge was fun to do because this can be used to help people realize where we get our water from, I can see this water treatment facility when I drive down the highway that is along the Willamette River. 

    Ther is a photo of the questions I answer for the "Find Your Watershed" Challenge

  • Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/10/2020 12:39 PM
    After taking the Pledge to Protect Streams & Rivers, I realized that there were some things I did that threatened the watershed. As bad as this sounds, I never realized that throwing grease down the drain could cause the pipes to plug. I used to work for a food truck downtown in Portland, I remember seeing other food cart owners throwing fry oil and fat down the storm drain and not thinking anything of it. In my mind, I knew that was not the responsible thing to do but I never understood why. This was interesting to learn and it will influence my future choices in life. 
    Climate Watch Saving Little Pieces of Earth
    What item did you look up on the recycle guide?

    Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/05/2020 1:40 PM
    Just the other day my boyfriend was asking me if he could recycle an item that was broken. At first, he wanted to throw it away but after I told him you cant throw away metal he asked where should he recycle it? I am happy that there is a site that helps people understand what they can recycle and where it can be dropped off. One of my concerns is one of the locations for electronic drop-offs is goodwill. I looked up online if they do recycle electronics. It turns out, that they are very active in using responsible recycling methods. Here is the page that says the what they do with items that they receive:

  • Ivy Hodgkinson 's avatar
    Ivy Hodgkinson 4/03/2020 4:32 PM
    This is my first time using a site that can help people become more environmentally conscious. This is an amazing way to show/help people achieve their goal of being more responsible in their own lives. The only reason I found this site is because of a class I am taking, I wish I would of know about this earlier when people around me asked me what they can do to be more environmentally conscious.