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April 1 - April 30, 2020

HP Boise Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
    How does food sovereignty address the complex agrarian transition to modern food systems?

    Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 10/16/2020 10:50 AM
    It gives local communities more access to healthy sustainable food vs having o rely on having food shipped in thousands of miles from other areas of the world.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Use Muscle Power
    How do your transportation choices affect your engagement in your community? Does your experience or enjoyment differ while walking, riding transit, biking or driving?

    Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 10/16/2020 10:38 AM
    When driving it's easy to be outside the community.  Walking and riding your bike, you have more opportunities to chat with neighbors, etc.  We don't have transit that I can use, but when in big cities you can engage with the community.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 10/16/2020 10:30 AM
    Those that spend most of their time indoors, typically get less fresh air and exercise.  Nature helps relieve stress and ground a person. So, I feel those that get outside are more healthy.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Support A Sharing Economy
    What are the benefits of a sharing economy? How could a sharing economy change the dynamics you have with friends, family and/or neighbors?

    Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 10/16/2020 9:21 AM

    I can think of ride sharing, where people use less wear and tear on cars, gas, parking, etc.  But, it can extend to tools and parks and pools, etc. 

    The benefits are you are using less resources, but also it allows for more community.

  • Teresa Broadus's avatar
    Teresa Broadus 5/06/2020 10:40 PM
    It's never too late to start some great "earth-saving" habits!

  • Flossie Erben's avatar
    Flossie Erben 4/30/2020 12:40 PM
    As I reflect back on this month and challenge, I realized that this was a good way to find small, daily changes that could make a real difference.  I also was able to get some letters written to politicians, pull my kids into helping and I really enjoyed the sharing.  I wish I would've signed up earlier than half way through the month.  

    Thanks Teresa & Krista! 

    • Teresa Broadus's avatar
      Teresa Broadus 4/30/2020 1:06 PM
      Very cool, Flossie -- I agree, we should've gotten started earlier!  Next year!

  • Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 4/30/2020 7:16 AM
    This challenge has been a good way to think about ways to conserve and protect the Earth.  I was invited half-way through the challenge, but something is better than nothing.  

  • Debbie Tuckness's avatar
    Debbie Tuckness 4/29/2020 6:45 PM
    Most of this challenge I've been focused on reducing and recycling.  But, with this Corona Virus, I've been thinking my grandma who lived through the great depression wasn't as crazy as I thought.  She saved everything that was re-usable.  I've started saving all glass jars, you know from spaghetti sauces etc.  and I used 3 of them as vases fir Lilacs and give them to people I wanted to bless.  
    Wildlife Seek Alternative Gifts and Souvenirs
    How do your consumption choices affect the health of wildlife and other communities?

    Teresa Broadus's avatar
    Teresa Broadus 4/28/2020 8:49 AM
    I can think of making sure I take reusable water bottles on my hikes instead of using plastic bottled water.  If I do occasionally use plastic water bottles I will recycle them as they do not compost in the short term.
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    William McNeil's avatar
    William McNeil 4/28/2020 8:16 AM
    Using up close or past due date food, encourages more variety in meals.