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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Mahiri Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Wildlife Research a Wild Animal
    What interesting facts did you learn about the animal you researched? What are some of your favorite things about this animal?

    Tanner Cogliantry's avatar
    Tanner Cogliantry 4/23/2020 6:07 AM
    I researched a cedar waxwing, which is a type of bird. One interesting fact that I learned about cedar waxwings is that they tend to migrate in a very irregular pattern, meaning that, according to, "both breeding and wintering areas may change from year to year, depending on food supplies" whereas most other birds migrate on the same course every year with little variation in the paths that they take. Another interesting fact about cedar waxwings is that they almost always forage for food together in flocks. And one of my favorite things about cedar waxwings is that they have their wings have waxy read tips.
    Forests Explore My Area
    How can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place?

    Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/22/2020 5:43 AM
    I am taking more walks in prospect park, and so I am noticing more details in the park around me, plus how the park changes as the seasons change and we get more into the spring. 

  • Gavin Bernbach's avatar
    Gavin Bernbach 4/20/2020 8:14 AM
    I talk to my friends a lot online and on facetime
    People Support A Sharing Economy
    What are the benefits of a sharing economy? How could a sharing economy change the dynamics you have with friends, family and/or neighbors?

    Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/20/2020 5:30 AM
    I think a sharing economy makes us all kinder and more thoughtful! 

  • Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/19/2020 8:00 AM
    Today is a beautiful day to get outside and take a walk and get some Vitamin D - don't forget your mask! 
    People Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/17/2020 7:14 AM
    I know that when I walk in Prospect Park, I feel better - mentally and physically! 
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/16/2020 1:09 PM
    I love composting because it makes me feel good since my kitchen trashcan fills up so much more slowly! The challenge is helping my family members remember to put everything in the right bin. 
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Cay Tolson's avatar
    Cay Tolson 4/16/2020 1:08 PM
    Knowing these differences allows me to safely reduce food waste! 

  • Antoinette Stewart's avatar
    Antoinette Stewart 4/15/2020 7:11 AM
    Started a compost bin and I am pretty excited! Anyone have any tips on how to keep it smelling lovely and not like well you know... stinky dirt.

  • Amelia Lawrence's avatar
    Amelia Lawrence 4/15/2020 6:55 AM
    Yesterday I went on almost a two-hour hike! it was nice to breath fresh air and be outside.