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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Millipore Sigma - St. Louis Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Judy Boland's avatar
    Judy Boland 4/30/2020 8:21 AM
    So here's the deal.  I'm bad about checking in.  Most days I have one or two meatless meals - not because it is good for the environment but because I am lazy and I have to eat all those veggies from the CSA.  I have started composting because I plan on a garden next year.  I have a set up in the back yard for it.  The only had part is collecting it in the kitchen, so I started using the compostable produce bags the CSA uses.  Fill the bag up and throw the whole thing on the pile.  I try to be conscious of the amount of water I use because I know I use to much and we are so so lucky to have easy access to clean water.

  • Kathryn Hoang's avatar
    Kathryn Hoang 4/22/2020 11:56 AM
    Eco tip: Make sure understand the requirements of any recycling programs you participate in, particularly what #s of plastic they take - it varies, even within a city, and putting the wrong # plastic in when it can't be accepted can send a lot of recyclables to the land fill

    • Amy Gjoka's avatar
      Amy Gjoka 4/23/2020 11:29 AM
      Great tip! I know my city sent out a card we keep on the fridge of what can go into our recycling.

  • Judy Boland's avatar
    Judy Boland 4/22/2020 11:32 AM
    Eco tip:  Don't rinse your dishes before putting in the dishwasher!  The dishwasher will clean them for you and you'll save a lot of time and water!  It helps to load the dishwasher correctly and use the right amount of a good detergent.

  • Amy Gjoka's avatar
    Amy Gjoka 4/22/2020 11:27 AM
    Eco tip from Judy Boland: "Don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.  What do you think a dishwasher is for?
    Load it right.  Use the right amount of detergent and they all get clean.  It’s like magic ".  My added comment to this is just to scrape the plate clean with a fork prior to loading into the dishwasher.

  • Amy Gjoka's avatar
    Amy Gjoka 4/22/2020 11:25 AM
    My Eco tip for Earth Day: If you still want to use your reusable grocery store bags you can leave them in your trunk and bag your groceries at the car instead of in the store with plastic bags. Of course this works better with nice weather .

  • Judy Boland's avatar
    Judy Boland 4/08/2020 8:53 AM
    I started collecting for a compost pile!

  • Amy Gjoka's avatar
    Amy Gjoka 4/08/2020 8:44 AM
    In preparation for Easter this week my toddler and I just researched rabbits.  Now we are going on a rabbit search around the outside of our house. 

  • Judy Boland's avatar
    Judy Boland 4/07/2020 7:31 AM
    Just started.  This is going to go well.

    • Amy Gjoka's avatar
      Amy Gjoka 4/08/2020 8:47 AM
      Looks like you are staying busy with the Ecochallenge!  I hope you're finding it interesting! 

  • Amy Gjoka's avatar
    Amy Gjoka 4/02/2020 6:46 PM
    My 3 year old and I planted a tree in the back yard yesterday!  He may have been more excited to dig a hole then put the tree in it, but hopefully it lasts until he's old enough to appreciate it!