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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Plano Green Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • James Wassom's avatar
    James Wassom 5/01/2020 7:08 AM
    I learned a lot from this challenge. I am already doing several things that help reduce waste on a regular basis, but there is more I can do. I've discovered the world of  farm fresh eggs, and found several local suppliers that I can support while enjoying much better eggs than I've ever had before. I've also identified other local providers so I can source honey and meat and raw milk locally as well. We've joined online groups to exchange things locally as well, trading things we no longer need or have excess of for other things we do need, potentially keeping both out of the landfill.

  • Cynthia Page's avatar
    Cynthia Page 4/30/2020 1:47 PM
    Until Next year!!!! happy Earth Week!

  • Matt Fuhriman's avatar
    Matt Fuhriman 4/30/2020 7:34 AM
    Last day!! Make sure you record your points!

  • Cynthia Page's avatar
    Cynthia Page 4/29/2020 11:50 AM
    Even if it was virtually !  We still made an impact to save the sea life and others as well

  • Cynthia Page's avatar
    Cynthia Page 4/29/2020 11:49 AM
    I am so very happy that we were able to have Earth Week this way !  

  • Cynthia Page's avatar
    Cynthia Page 4/29/2020 11:46 AM
    Save the sea life & Happy Hump day!!!!

  • Matt Fuhriman's avatar
    Matt Fuhriman 4/29/2020 6:52 AM
    The last two days! Lets do this!!
    Action Track: Building Resilience Use Muscle Power
    How do your transportation choices affect your engagement in your community? Does your experience or enjoyment differ while walking, riding transit, biking or driving?

    Tonya Sager's avatar
    Tonya Sager 4/28/2020 2:36 PM
    I actually like walking and getting the extra exercise. 
    Action Track: Earth Day Together! Earth Day Action: Write a Love Letter, Poem, or Song to Earth
    What are you grateful for about our planet? Share what you created or your general thoughts of love and gratitude with everyone else!

    Gracie Villatoro's avatar
    Gracie Villatoro 4/28/2020 9:26 AM
    I'm glad our planet supports us, wretched parasites though we may be.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Volunteer in my Community
    How does volunteering enhance your community and/or change your relationship with it?

    Nasreen Rajan's avatar
    Nasreen Rajan 4/28/2020 9:14 AM
    Volunteering is my time to do something I am not expected.  It is my way of connecting with my community and to support needs.  We are blessed to have the things we may have.  Time is a valuable asset and if we have this to give to promote healthy relationships or communities, then I'm up for it.