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April 1 - April 30, 2020

Sustainable Agriculture Student Association Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Action Track: Building Resilience Support Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators?

    Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/22/2020 10:53 AM
    90% of our food is produced with the help of pollinators and if we loose them we loose our ability to feed ourselves.
    Wildlife Research a Wild Animal
    What interesting facts did you learn about the animal you researched? What are some of your favorite things about this animal?

    Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/13/2020 6:39 PM
    I learned about a bird called the Shrike, They gather food in the most interesting way. The are carnivorous and are famous for impaling larger prey such as rodents, lizards, and other birds on thorns or barbed wire to be eaten later. 
    Food Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
    How does food sovereignty address the complex agrarian transition to modern food systems?

    Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/07/2020 9:22 AM
    I think it puts an emphasis on local and seasonal foods and the ability of a community or place to feed themselves without outside imports.

  • Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/05/2020 3:15 PM
    What do I do for the earth and what do I need to improve, all the challenge options on here give a great picture of what being earth friendly could look like and give you ideas for things to do while staying at home.

  • Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/03/2020 10:59 PM
    so far, this has been an a fun way to track all the things I can do as an individual to help the planet.

  • Rosina R's avatar
    Rosina R 4/03/2020 6:27 PM
    I just watched this documentary called "Broken Limbs" about the "Apple Capital of the World" in the Pacific Northwest which illustrates the importance of diversification of our food production systems:
    Food Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
    How does food sovereignty address the complex agrarian transition to modern food systems?

    Rosina R's avatar
    Rosina R 4/03/2020 6:25 PM
    Food sovereignty can connect people to the land and help people connect to where their food comes from. It also has a critical role in the relocalization of food and diversification of food production.
    Fresh Water Dishwasher Efficiency
    How can your region/household prepare for changing water situations in order to become more resilient?

    Rosina R's avatar
    Rosina R 4/02/2020 1:32 PM
    Every household and region should start harvesting and storing rainwater!

    "If you only do one thingcollect rainwater" - Geoff Lawton


  • Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/02/2020 12:47 PM
    Day 2! lets get it! go team!
    Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Piper Kenney's avatar
    Piper Kenney 4/02/2020 12:46 PM
    I doesn't surprise me but it is shocking. I would save up that money for travel or education.