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April 1 - April 30, 2020



Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Trang Nguyen's avatar
    Trang Nguyen 5/03/2020 12:26 PM
    Use by means expiration date when the product is unusable. This is important to avoiding wasting of food.
    Sell by means the product should not be sold after the date labeled.
    Best by means the product should be used by the the date indicated to ensure the best quality.

    People Pick Up the Phone
    What do all of us have in common, regardless of politics, race, religion, occupation, or place we live? How can finding common ground help us as a society and as a species?

    Ariana Wohl's avatar
    Ariana Wohl 4/30/2020 5:44 PM
    I did NOT do well on this one. How do I work environmental advocacy into my routines?
    Food Compost Food Waste
    New to composting? Be sure to check out the action resource links to learn tips and more about it. As you transition from throwing food away to composting, what do you notice about how much you are tossing? How will you use your compost once it is ready?

    Ariana Wohl's avatar
    Ariana Wohl 4/30/2020 5:43 PM
    I am LOVING my new composter vessel. It sits off the ground and has a handle that turns--much better than the static tub at my old house. It was really hard to mix the contents in that one. I notice how little solid trash I make by composting. 

  • Jean Lawlor's avatar
    Jean Lawlor 4/30/2020 3:23 PM
    Today I checked off the final three challenges left incomplete. Tonight I'll watch The Human Element and a documentary on food sovereignnty.
    Action Track: Building Resilience Support Pollinators
    Why is it important to take care of pollinators?

    Whitney McClees's avatar
    Whitney McClees 4/30/2020 2:49 PM
    All pollinators, not just bees, are crucial to the food chain and the ecosystem. Pollinators maintain native species by helping them spread, which buoys our ecosystems. 

  • Deirdre Elizabeth Healy's avatar
    Deirdre Elizabeth Healy 4/30/2020 8:58 AM
    Hello Team!
    GREAT job. I hope this challenge has brought us closer as a community during a time that has distanced us physically. I look forward to seeing you all as part of the Climate Reality Project starting on Monday! See Laura Gardners post or email for more information!

  • Jamie Jacquart's avatar
    Jamie Jacquart 4/30/2020 7:57 AM
    Whew! We made it! So proud to be a part of this team and to be making a bigger difference in our community. Go Team SouthCoast!

  • Jamie Jacquart's avatar
    Jamie Jacquart 4/30/2020 7:55 AM
    Happy to finally buckled down and concentrated on some of my one-time challenges. Not as daunting as I made them out to be earlier in the challenge. Just rip the band-aid off and go for it next time!
    Forests Advocate for Forest Protection
    Higher standards of living are very often dependent on moving our environmental costs elsewhere. What are some specific ways in which the environmental impacts of your own lifestyle might be shifted elsewhere?

    Jamie Jacquart's avatar
    Jamie Jacquart 4/30/2020 7:54 AM
    I've tried to become more accountable for the environmental decisions that I make as a part of daily life. We've spent a lot of time and money improving the infrastructure of our home so that we're using electric appliances that draw from our solar panels. While we still draw from the grid for some of our power, maybe one of these days any of our 5 kids will move out and help to bring that into balance.

  • Jamie Jacquart's avatar
    Jamie Jacquart 4/30/2020 7:51 AM
    I love this challenge, but I do not love remembering to log in every day for an entire month!