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April 1 - April 30, 2020

KCIA 8th Grade Green Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/30/2020 12:42 PM
    Last Day!!! Many thanks to all the students who participated! 
    Food Watch a Documentary about Food Sovereignty
    How does food sovereignty address the complex agrarian transition to modern food systems?

    Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/27/2020 3:26 PM
    Modern food systems are based upon mass production, the use of GMOs and the mass acceptance of using chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. This process ultimately leads to the destruction of the soil and pollution of waterways and the ocean with nitrogen and toxic chemicals. Food sovereignty encourages community leadership in small farms and community gardens that utilize organic methods that create healthy food and replenish the soil. 

  • Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/26/2020 1:39 PM
    Action Track: Earth Day Together! Earth Day Action: Share Eco Tips
    What environmentally friendly habit have you most recently implemented? How do you ensure that you are successful in creating or changing a habit?

    Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/26/2020 1:37 PM
    I am a firm supporter of home composting as an easy way to have a positive impact on the environment. I began years ago with just digging a 12 inch hole in the backyard to bury our fruit and vegetable waste. Three years ago we started a compost pile using a geo-bin and it has been amazing to see how the decomposers are naturally attracted to the waste and create very rich soil! I have shared the how to compost info on social media and have offered to assist family and friends in getting started.

  • Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/24/2020 8:24 PM
    Great work, 8th Grade Green Team! Only 6 more days to go...If you haven't added actions lately, feel free to finish your one time challenges and choose more. Then spread the word about what you're doing with your family, friends and neighbors. A little inspiration can go a long way!!
    Wildlife Leave No Trace
    Educator Stephanie Kaza advises her students to focus on what they care about most when addressing the enormity of ecological problems. Is there a specific area you feel particularly called to work on?

    Natasha Herrera's avatar
    Natasha Herrera 4/22/2020 12:32 PM
    Not specifically, I don't really feel called to work on something specifically.
    Oceans Learn about Our Oceans
    What is one way in which oceans support your life on Earth? What is one way you can help take care of ocean health with your actions?

    Natasha Herrera's avatar
    Natasha Herrera 4/22/2020 12:26 PM
    The ocean is Earth's life support. A large percentage of oxygen comes from the ocean. The ocean regulates our climate, absorbs carbon dioxide, and our security and economy requires healthy oceans because we need it. I can reduce waste, conserve water, Use less energy, and for people to fish wisely and not to throw trash into the oceans.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Natasha Herrera's avatar
    Natasha Herrera 4/21/2020 12:24 PM
    People in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places because they like meat and since they have more of it, they eat more of it. Eating more meat affects the planet when they make greenhouse gases and cause global warming.

  • Lora Jones's avatar
    Lora Jones 4/17/2020 5:16 PM
    Great seeing all of the new team members...Welcome! If we check in on our dashboard and click on the button to complete our actions each day, we earn up to 35 points. If everyone remembers, that could be 500+ points for our team every day! Let's go 8th grade!
    Forests Explore My Area
    How can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place?

    Farrah  Avender's avatar
    Farrah Avender 4/16/2020 8:27 PM
    Spending time outside enhances my sense of place by letting me discover my way around and remembering where to go next time I have to go somewhere.